Yoga for the Heart
Jun/Thu/2017 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Stress Management Center
1165 Magnolia Ave. Larkspur, CA 94939
Yoga for the Heart is geared towards patients who are undergoing cardiac treatment, whether at Marin General Hospital or another facility to help reduce stress through gentle yoga.
The real results of regular yoga practice are quite practical, and you don’t need any special equipment—just a few square feet of space and a mat! This extra bit of stretching will not only enhance your other workouts, but also your life. With yoga, you’ll hone your mental focus, rid your system of toxins, and so much more! You’ll even be able to touch your toes — improved flexibility is a bonus for just about every sport and activity!
Free (Grant Supported)
Registration: Not Required. Walk-in’s welcome!
Additional Information: Download the flyer